A trek in the Himalayan foothills, and a global learning programme based in and around the mountain town of Dharamsala, topped off with a visit to the spectacular Sikh Golden Temple. Known worldwide as the 14th Dalai Lama’s residence, Dharamsala offers a fascinating perspective on many global issues through the lens of the Buddhist Tibetan community living in a Hindu host country. Global learning activities here facilitate learning in:
India is one of the world’s oldest civilisations, yet a young nation which gained independence in 1947. It is the world’s largest democracy (population 1.2 billion) with a strong tradition of religious freedom dating back to 340BC. A fast-growing and powerful economy makes it an important regional power too.
Topped off by the mighty Himalayan mountain range to the north, India boasts a wide-ranging topography including deserts, the peninsula plateau, river valleys and plains, and an extensive coastline. This geographical diversity is reflected in all aspects of Indian life, most noticeably through the 22 official languages spoken here (over 1000 unofficial), and wide range of religions practiced side by side, including Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, and Buddhism.
You will be visiting the state of Himachal Pradesh, north west of Delhi. According to the World Bank (2015) Himachal Pradesh is a frontrunner among Indian states in reducing poverty and improving human development outcomes. Per capita income in Himachal Pradesh is the second highest in the country – an impressive achievement given that more than 90 percent of its residents live in rural areas.
Growth in Himachal Pradesh has also gone hand in hand with some of India’s best human development outcomes. Educational attainment is among the highest in the country, and the share of women in the workforce is larger than in most other states.
Our 17-day Indian Himalayas Programme is designed to give you an exciting combination of a Himalayan trek with a diverse choice of global learning topics from sustainable development, to refugees, access to education and world religions. The trip is topped off with a visit to the spectacular Sikh Golden Temple at Amritsar.
Immerse yourselves in your learning experiences – deepen your understanding of refugee issues by taking part in a refugee-led seminar, broaden your knowledge of Sikhism by asking a Sikh about their faith at the Golden Temple, or question your ethical boundaries in a workshop with a Buddhist monk.
You will be based mainly in the Himalayan town of Dharamsala, known as Little Lhasa. This small town is home to the Tibetan government in exile, and a learning hub for Tibetan Buddhism and culture. From migration and displacement to environmental degradation and geopolitics, Little Lhasa provides multiple opportunities for cross-curricular learning. Students can conceptualise complex development issues through challenging and thought-provoking real life situations.
We appreciate how busy teachers are, so we’ve made the booking process as simple as possible! There are 4 easy steps:
Contact Us: call or email us to book a meeting or teleconference at your school. We will listen carefully to what interests you and your requirements
We will then email you a tailored proposal, which will include a full itinerary, all-inclusive price, and key documents for the senior management team.
Once you get approval from the SMT, we will send you key marketing material, including posters, to help promote the trip
We will visit the school to deliver inspiring presentations in a short Morning Assembly and a longer Parents - Presentation 10 Days later
Taking part in rituals can deepen our understanding of unfamiliar faiths
Service is a key tenet of Sikhism, which includes making and serving a free lunch to pilgrims at the Langar Hall, the world's largest dining hall
A master class in Tibetan Buddhism with a reincarnate lama is a sure way to learn Buddhist philosophy from an expert
Himalayan flora as far as the eye can see
A short placement at a local primary school can be life-enhancing for everyone involved
Hardy Himalayan ponies make the most of the lush summer meadows, bells tinkling around their necks
Find out what some of our students, teachers and parents have to say about their Global Action experience.
We have had our son home for a week now. It is wonderful to see him so animated and so very thrilled with the entirety of his trip. I am so incredibly grateful that he has had this marvellous experience, thanks to you and your Global Action Team. Thank you to everyone for the most brilliant, successful trip.
An amazing memorable trip - truly a once in a lifetime trip that was more like an educational holiday than a school trip.
Exceeded my expectations - a truly amazing hands on trip, that educated us in a fun manner and was completely unique.
Global Action Ltd. Lumley House, 56 Elliott Rd, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1YS