Anna, our fabulous partner at easyfundraising has given us some top tips to share to help you get going on raising funds for your 2023 trip
Don’t say the ‘Christmas’ word!!!!
Okay, we know it’s September, but we are going to say the Christmas word anyway!!
You may be wondering why? Well, the truth is that whilst we may all look forward to opening our presents on 25th December, (which still seems like a long way away), studies have shown that the vast majority of people in the UK start buying their gifts as early as October – and as the festive period can be one of the best opportunities for raising funds for your expedition, there is no time like the present to get Christmas earning plans in place and here’s just three ideas to get you going!
Christmas markets & fayres
Christmas markets and fayres start happening as early as October and signing up to attend as many as possible as these will ensure you really generate some great funds. On average, you can make between £50-£150 profit from each market – and so the more you attend, the more money you will make. Search on google or facebook to find out where these are happening in your area and here’s some ideas to google of the types of things you can sell:-
Reindeer Racing Race Night
A wonderful ‘twist’ on the ever-popular race night, you can find downloads for this by searching on google or going directly to Etsy. As with all events, start planning now as you will need a venue, be able to offer food and drink, have a large screen to show your races, have raffle prizes etc. Once you have all of these in place, get leaflets printed, share on social media and advertise wherever you can! This is a great event to run in December, but it will need planning now so there’s no time like the present to get going! Other Christmas events could be:-
In 2021, over 80% of UK adults purchased at least one Christmas gift online and by signing up to easyfundraising, you could effortlessly benefit from this by collecting the cashback from your friends and families online spend – without it costing them or you a single penny extra! Over 7,000 household brands and retailers work with easyfundraising to offer cashback on every single online purchase, and it doesn’t cost anyone a penny extra on their shop!
Here’s how it works
Hopefully these three ideas have given you some ideas to turn this Christmas into a very, merry Christmas indeed!
Good Luck!
Anna x
Global Action was set up 7 years ago to with the aim to educate students about poverty reduction, environmental protection…
Global Action Ltd. Lumley House, 56 Elliott Rd, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1YS