We are very excited to announce that we are adding Malaysian Borneo to our destination portfolio from summer 2020.
Malaysian Borneo is a destination close to our hearts – both our Operations Director and Programmes Coordinator have lived and worked in Borneo and know the region well. Even our Managing Director has led a school expedition there in his youth! Between them they have planned, organised and led nine expeditions in Borneo.
Putting that expertise and experience to good use, we are very proud of our new itinerary, which offers not only an amazing adventure but is also packed full of environmental educational experiences and learning. You will experience ancient tropical rainforests, endangered species and witness first-hand the impact of humans on one of the most biologically diverse places on the planet. The jungle is calling…
To find out more, give Georgia a call at Global Action on 01285 641 875.
My journey into Borneo started many years ago when my mum bought me a book for Xmas called ‘Into the…
Global Action Ltd. Lumley House, 56 Elliott Rd, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1YS